Papa Leroy holds little Erin during her first week of life. He loved her so much. Moments like this were precious. After they moved to Las Vegas they never made the trip back to Oregon. So this is a rare amd precious photo.

Grandpa loved his granddaughter Erin Louise, 3 months of age. This was when they lived in Dayville. I was a bit homesick and went to visit mom and dad. They were so thrilled to get to see her. She held a special place in their heart. Losing dad on March 19, added to our heartache after losing Patch. He was the best father I ever had.
During this time, my mind is flooded with joyful memories and blessings he added to my life. I am very sad at his passing, but relieved that his suffering is over. Dad died of lung cancer at the age of 75. May 10, he would have been 76. Normally, his birthday would be a very sad event, but I am expecting my fourth grandchild very near his birthday. Wouldn't it be awesome if precious Elise was born on his birthday?
Anyway I am so thankful that dad introduced me to Jesus, and a man who wins souls is wise. Lord let him enter into your rest.
Leroy gave us a home, a real home. During my freshman year of high school we moved from San Jose, California to Burns, Oregon. Dad willingly took on a new wife with five children. I had the utmost respect for him for taking on such a large family and providing for us.
He purchased this home for our family and work hard to support us.
This home holds so many precious memories. I loved it there. It was the most peaceful time of my childhood. Thank you dad for the memories. I am convinced that he is present with the Lord, and suffering no more. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I am happy in the thought that he is with Jesus now and whole. I love you dad, and one day I hope you will be looking for me, because I will be looking for you. Love Kelli
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